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It is estimated that there are between 1.3 and 1.8 million homeless kids in this country on any given day. It is time to put an end to this unacceptable statistic and defeat homelessness. As the economy continues to affect the lives of millions of Americans, the jobless rate on the rise, we can not stand by and allow so many of our young people to spend even one more night on the streets. Join us today-Light a Candle for Kidz!

On June 11, 2007 the United States Senate passed resolution recognizing the month of November 2007 as "National Homeless Youth Awareness Month" (S. Res. 226 [110th]) Awareness is only the first step. Check out what people around the country have organized this year to promote awareness. Together we can continue to shed light on this growing problem. Together we can work together, one child at a time, and erradicate youth homelessness.

There are so many questions about why? We have compiled just a few of the "whys" that one might ask. If you have comments or would like us to consider another "why" question, please let us know.

Why should people care about these kids?


Children are our nation's future. It is unacceptable in a country as diverse and blessed as ours that even one child must endure life on the streets. From a moral perspective, we owe it to our children and to all children a future without hunger, without fear.

From a purely economic standpoint, homelessness costs our society untold sums of money and resources.

Why should I care?

Perhaps you should ask "Why do I care?" Visiting our Web site tells us that you care about these kids. Drop us a note and let us know your thoughts.

Why are so many kids homeless in this country?

Homelessness occurs for many reasons. Many of the kids on the streets have been forced out of their homes because of severe abuse and neglect. Running from one terrible situation into another. Others, aging out of the foster care system are pushed through a poorly designed system with few skills and little more than the shirt on their backs. Still others are on the streets with a single parent struggling to make ends meet. For more information on the causes of homelessness, check out KiwizKidz Resource page.

Why is there so much abuse and neglect?

Understanding abuse and neglect is complex and often misunderstood. According to the United States Department of Health and Human Services, Administration for Children and Families, during Federal fiscal year 2007, there were an estimated 3.2 million referrals, involving the alleged maltreatment of approximately 5.8 million children who were subsequently referred to CPS agencies.

Why do so many kids drop out of school

Imagine trying to continue attending high school while trying to stay alive, moving from place to place, struggling to stay warm, find a meal, take a shower. So many of the basic necessities that we take for granted every day are moments, hours, days of struggle for homeless kids. If we as a society can keep even one child from dropping out of school - we can make a huge difference in that child's life and in the lives touched by that one individual.

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Even a minor event in the life of a child is an event of that child's world and thus a world event. Gaston Bachelard (1884-1962) French philosopher and poet.

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