Why Light a Candle? How does this work? Who will Light a Candle serve? KiwizKidz
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Who will I help when I light a candle?


One donor, one candle, one child at a time. By lighting a candle, you will be a part of a growing global initiative to erradicate youth homelessness in this country. By lighting a candle, you will be helping kids take one more step towards living a life without hunger, without fear. By lighting a candle, you will be helping a child, a neighborhood, a community, a state, a nation.

Who will my donation go to?


Initially KiwizKidz will provide immediate assistance to homeless teens. Basic needs must be met before significant change can occur. As winter approaches, there are many kids in need of food and warm clothing. As the project grows, KiwizKidz has developed a business plan that includes:

Immediate Assistance, Education and Referral Services, Food and Shelter Referrals, Transportation, Mentorships, Documentaries, and Scholoarships. As a grass roots initiative, we welcome suggestions and feedback. We will be offering project submission and community ideas throughout our initial launch period.

Who Cares?


We do!

Who is KiwizKidz?


KiwizKidz™ is an organization developed to promote and effect change in the lives of underserved kids in our society. It is our belief and our commitment that KiwizKidz™ will be a national leader in improving the lives of children and teens through the implementation of our vision: Changing the face of the nation one child at a time, one project at a time.

  1. Provide immediate relief from the devastating effects of youth homelessness, abuse, and neglect.
  2. Initiate a scholarship fund to promote educational goal setting and achievement.
  3. Develop a local drop-in center.
  4. Develop a Residential Treatment Center.
  5. Provide ongoing resources and education regarding the devastating effects of abuse, neglect, poverty and homelessness.
Light a Candle for Kidz - Donate Now


Safety and security don't just happen, they are the result of collective consensus and public investment. We owe our children, the most vulnerable citizens in our society, a life free of violence and fear. (Nelson Mandela, former president of South Africa)