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Friends and founders of KiwizKidz have been committed to serving the needs of forgotten and underserved children and families for many years. Before developing this formal project, we dedicated time and resources to help countless kids. In a small Palestinian village outside of Jerusalem, Israel we worked with young children teaching computer and Internet skills, introducing them to a world that reached far beyond the boundaries of the small village. Each year we try to lend a hand to a child in need, a family in crisis, a homeless Vet in need of a hot meal. We appreciate all of the people who have stopped by this Web site and Lit a Candle for Kids and we thank all who believe that a difference can and will be made - One candle at a time, one child at a time.

Holiday Meals- 2009
Thanks to the generosity of Kiwiz friends, KiwizKidz was able to provide Thanksgiving meals to 4 homeless families in Pasadena, California.
(Impact: 7 Children Fed)
Jackets - November 2009
Thanks to our initial donors! KiwizKidz provided warm jackets to homeless teens in Pasadena, California.
(Impact: 5 Children Warmer Today)
Christmas Stockings - December 2009
KiwizKidz is working on a Fill a Christmas Stocking project. Our goal is to fill at least 100 Christmas stockings for children staying in shelters in Los Angeles and Las Vegas.
(Impact: 100 Children - a Christmas Moment)

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