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Donate Now: Light a Candle for Kidz!

Frequently Asked Questions

How long will KiwizKidz™ Light a Candle be online?

The KiwizKidz Light a Candle Campaign will run for a minimum of 1 year. Lit candles will remain online at least 5 years. KiwizKidz will continue to fund additional projects and we are committed to the development of continued fund raising and services.

How will KiwizKidz™ use the money?

The KiwizKidz Light a Candle Campaign is our first fund raising effort. Initially, the funds will be used to provide immediate relief to homeless youth. This will include clothing, food, school supplies, and other necessities. Our business plan includes the development of additional services in the coming months.

Why should I donate?

All of us know kids that are "at risk" for violence, depression, mental illness, school dropout, and homelessness. The effect on society and its future for physical and mental illness is profound. As we successfully create a global initiative, each and every one of us become part of the solution.

What kids will KiwizKidz™ Light a Candle for Kidz help?

The Light a Candle for Kidz campaign is committed initially to providing immediate relief to homeless youth.

How much do I need to donate to light a candle?

The amount is up to you.

What is KiwizKidz™?

KiwizKidz is an organization developed solely to promote and effect change in the lives of underserved kids in our society. It is our belief and our commitment that KiwizKidz will be a national leader in improving the lives of children and teens through the implementation of our vision: Changing the face of the nation one child at a time, one project at a time.

When will KiwizKidz™ distribute the money?

Distribution of funds will be ongoing. We will publish both our fundraising progress and distribution status quarterly - The first report will be published April 2010.

Will KiwizKidz™ publish the results of this fundraising effort?

Yes. We will provide ongoing updates on the Web site. If you would like email updates, join our email list.

Why are so many kids homeless?

There are many contributing factors to youth homelessness. Ineffective and inefficient foster care systems, depression, neglect at home, abuse at home, drugs, hopelessness, physical and sexual abuse all contribute to homelessness. There have been a number of studies focusing on increasing homelessness in this country. For additional information, check out the Resources Page.

Aren't there other charities and organizations already helping these kids?

Yes, there are a number of organizations striving to make a difference in the lives of underserved youth in this country. However, with an estimated 1 to 1.8 million homeless teens in this country, which translates to approximately 1 of every 6 adolescents expected to experience homelessness this year, more resources are needed.
Light a Candle for Kidz - Donate Now


Safety and security don't just happen, they are the result of collective consensus and public investment. We owe our children, the most vulnerable citizens in our society, a life free of violence and fear. (Nelson Mandela, former president of South Africa)